Novel Update

It’s been a while since I’ve posted an update on my novel. I’ve struggled delving back into a routine upon returning from Aruba. And honestly, from even a few weeks prior…. although my writing was not as sporadic then as it’s been until recently.
So in light of this I’m relieved to post that I’ve been working steadily again on the novel while revising my book of poetry, “Thru the Storm” and working on my paintings (currently finishing my 21st.)
In addition, I reached a milestone today after writing 2,000 words: My novel now exceeds 100 pages. 
Current word count: 36,036
Pages 102
Chapters: 34
Only 9,000 words until I reach the halfway point. My goal is 90,000 although ultimately the story will dictate word count.
It’s taking longer than I thought to write the rough draft, but I’m encouraged by listening to/reading about the experiences of other authors. They talk of the common struggles of fighting procrastination, lack of motivation, and lingering doubts. They also talk about developing a routine, and the importance of continuing on, one day at a time.
It’s advice I try to heed.