A New Website, Paintings, and Short Stories, Oh My!

Not sure how this is going to work, but I’m in the process of learning how to transfer content from this website to my new business site called, Amy’s Gallery. I’ve year’s worth of postings on this blog and want to include them on my new website. It’s very new (i.e. still need to get the layout and background photos, and pretty much everything else sorted), BUT it’s a start. 

Stay tuned I guess.

In other news, my first-ever art commission is 100% complete and I cannot wait to drop off my client’s painting tomorrow morning. So excited for her to finally see it in person.

As such I’m also currently working on three new paintings, one being my first-ever portrait (of my cat, Annie, mind you) on hardboard canvas. The other two are landscapes painted on stretched canvas.

I’m in a mad dash to complete more originals so I have a good selection to choose from to submit to this year’s Art Ability. I have until July to submit up to five originals for consideration. I plan to submit five pieces and hope that at least one will be accepted. Fingers crossed!! I currently have three that are finished but I’m not sure yet if any will be in the running. Depends on what else I come up with these next few months. 

In addition, I completed another short story two months ago and submitted (and was rejected) from Glimmer Train’s Short Story Award for New Writers Competition. I didn’t think I had a chance as my story is definitely genre rather than literary, but hey it was worth a shot, right? Now I have to find a home for this piece and have no idea yet where to look. I’ll figure it out tho. 

I am also working on another short story and this one is literary. It’s for another Glimmer Train competition called Fiction Open (I missed April’s deadline, but plan to submit again in August). This competition allows for stories up to 20,000 words. I’m currently at just over 6,000 and not even half-way through. No idea how long it will be ultimately, but it’s looking more and more like a lengthy one.